The popular comedy group, House of Comedy continues to face a wave of blame games  as its crew members, Yvonne Khisa, Bushra Sakshi and Africas continue to accuse their leader popularly known as Kennar for disrespecting them.


In recent months, one of the crew members Yvonne Khisa’s departure from the group was accompanied by a cryptic message shared on her Instagram stories.”Toxic people acting as a victim is the funniest sh*t ever,” before proceeding to unfollow Crazy Kennar,” she wrote.


She has now come out to expose the crew’s leader, Kennedy Odhiambo popularly known as Crazy Kennar for being a womanizer.According to Yvonne Khisa, Crazy Kennar has a high affinity for women, something that is greatly contributing to his undoing.


“The crew was well until the hedonism in him erupted. We were no longer releasing new content. Tulidinywa kama nonsense daily hadi tukapoteza focus” Yvonne Khisa told a local blog. To Yvonne Khisa, the male chauvinism in their former crew leader, Crazy Kennar will be his greatest undoing in marking a fall of a brand they fought together  to build.

By realsean

A vocal and candid writer

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